The bottom of the porch closet. Note the cool markings that shoes thrown AT the closet will make as they hit the door, rather than the small opening that they were aimed at.
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Spring Cleaning
The bottom of the porch closet. Note the cool markings that shoes thrown AT the closet will make as they hit the door, rather than the small opening that they were aimed at.
Monday, March 29, 2010
At this rate, the tooth fairy is going to have to take out a loan!
Friday, March 26, 2010
Now We're Talking!
Thursday, March 25, 2010

Many letters that she mailed to me after I went to college, while she was still "stuck" in high school. I still have them all in a box in my attic--the one that mom MADE me move from her attic to my attic--and enjoyed reading through them a couple years ago after my kids discovered my box.
She's my partner in crime in any family adventure that we might encounter--walks along old childhood roads, roller coaster rides, trips to the grocery store or worse yet. . duckwalls! Now our adventures include trips with our kids to the indoor pool. She's always game for anything!!
Now that we live 5 hours apart, I rarely get to see her. We are BAD with phones (in that we don't use them). With the novel invention of the internet, emails, and this blog--we do a better job of keeping up--and I know that if I email her, she is usually within an hour of answering--a comforting thought. And so, I am eternally thankful that I was blessed with a sister! One that is thoughtful, understanding, and fun to hang out with; one that I can be my silly self around (walking like the Fear Factor cast), or my serious self around (talking kids and mates); a sister that jumps into mischief with both feet (major gut turning roller coaster rides); a sister that I can blab into the wee hours with (depending on what we've been sipping) or just sit quietly with while watching life roll along.
So from one beautiful sister to another beautiful sister--I'm glad that we know and love each other only as sisters can!! Thanks for the birthday visit and the card that provokes a "right back at-cha double" from me! Love ya girl!
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Gardener Mishap
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Spring Break
We have also been gone a fair amount of today as well. We enjoyed some real cajun cooking fixed for us after church by some good friends of ours. We had a cajun shrimp boil and shrimp etouffe, as well as lemon chess pie. MMMM! Thanks Dale! As if that wasn't enough yum for one weekend, we also enjoyed homemade chicken and noodles at Granny's house tonight. So--good thing that tomorrow is back to the exercise routine! Did I mention that we have had a LOT of dessert the last 4 days?? Well, we have had a LOOOOTTTT of dessert the past 4 days. MMMMM
Not sure if the kids are ready to get back to school tomorrow, but I am thinking that it will be a good thing! The school carnival will be this next weekend, and then the track meets start. I know that in about 2 weeks school will be out for another year. I just don't know where the time goes!
The bubble man doing his thing at Exploration Place--Now that's SOME bubble!! I actually found bubble solution and bent hangers in my showers tonight--THANKS bubble man!!
Wishing everyone a blessed week!
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Saturday we got up EARLY to head for Regional 4-H day. T did his talk first. Now I have to go back a little bit and mention that we arrived a little early. We got to see the first senior talk perform. I felt a little ill when I realized that she had powerpoint slides, AND posters, as well as a number of props on her table. . .all the while thinking. . OH GREAT--all his mother sent with him was a broken BB gun and typing paper. Live and learn right? He had nearly his whole presentation memorized. Unfortunately, not long after he started, he put the wrong sentence in, which would have taken him down a path farther into his talk than he wanted to be. A sheer look of confusion and horror struck his face, which made Grant choke trying not to laugh out loud. That was it--after he re-composed and found his spot, he read much of the rest of the presentation. I was proud of him because he was little less fidgety than he was in February. The judge gave him a blue ribbon and then crossed it out and awarded him a red. T was OK with it, and so was his mom. We did have the opportunity to watch a number of other talks, which gave us some ideas, and was helpful.
G's ensemble played well and recieved a blue ribbon. They have been practicing for weeks now. Once weekly they have gathered at our house for a jam session. We all knew those songs in our sleep. We could always hear D downstairs with them tapping the metal bed frame and singing the right notes along with them--and he would let them know if someone messed up the tempo or the notes. We would usually just smile to ourselves to listen to him--though occassionally we tried to find something else for him to do. G also gave his talk. He had most of his memorized too, and did a nice job. He heard T be advised from the judge that he should look around the room at different people, rather than just talking solely to the judge. So he was going to "one-up" his brother by doing that. I could see it in his eyes. Unfortunately, he made his mistake by looking at his older brother, who was still a little bitter about messing up his talk. I still do not know if T made a face at him or what, what I do know is that G got the giggles. This has proved to be catastrophic before, because usually he can't stop giggling! It only took him a few paragraphs until he got himself back together. At any rate, he was pleased to receive a blue ribbon for his work. They were running early, so we were pleased to be home by noon!!
The rest of the weekend was spent cutting the last load of firewood for the season (J is so pleased with the amount of money we saved this winter by using the new outdoor wood burning stove) and cleaning up around the yard. The daffodils are tall, the tulips are coming up in places that I had forgotten I planted them, hyacinths are still emerging, naked ladies are showing foliage, and the iris stalks are growing! The forsythia will be blooming within the next week or so, and my new inferno strip garden planted last fall seems to be all alive still.
Yesterday was spent going through bedrooms. Much as I hate that. T and D's room was indescribable!! We finally quit asking D to do stuff and were just glad that he found some other things outside to keep him busy. T and I worked for 4 hours sorting, cleaning, and throwing stuff away! I always swear that I will not help them if it gets beyond a certain point, but I always cave, because I know that it will not be cleaned to my expectations if I don't help/oversee. I must have been on a roll because then we headed down to G's room to weed through his stuff, and finally on to C's room to price the old clothes for a garage sale. Got her closet cleaned out too. Yippee!!
With that overdue task completed, that leaves me with just one more "put-off" task left. . .my scrapbook. I have had that thing laid out on my laundry counters for nearly a month now, working on it a little bit here and a little bit there. I have had several hours to work on it this past weekend and yesterday afternoon and evening. I have everything done up to Christmas--and in a few more evenings, that will be finished as well as catching up each kiddo's book for the last year. Last night I went to bed with the feeling that the weight of the world was nearly gone. I am feeling so refreshed and blessed that the mountain of "undone tasks" has nearly dissolved, and soon I will be able to focus solely on raising my family and keeping my life caught up, instead of always coming from behind!
We anticipate the visit from my sister and her family at the end of the week. We look forward to good food, good visiting, and good fun. We are planning to hang out at Exploration Place on Saturday and enjoying the day out! Don't forget that spring starts this week. HOORAY!
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Greenhouse Update
Monday, March 8, 2010
Garden Show Extravaganza
They shot a ton of pictures, many really bad ones, and some really good ones. I think that they both would have potential pictures for the fair. I also decided that we needed to get some time to just go out and take pictures in a relaxed setting, so we can play with those cameras. This opportunity was a little stressful in that, there were so many things to shoot, and so many things we heard about with changing settings and on and on, that it was pretty overwhelming!! I also decided that it much more fun to observe the garden show when you are not worrying about your children taking 5 million pictures of close up flowers or trying to show a grumpy tween how to move around and look for unusual angles. Hmmm, maybe that birthday party the night before wasn't SUCH a good idea after all!
At any rate, the boys loved the show and enjoyed the photo shoot. The picture above is one that Grant took using my camera. D didn't get to see any of the show until Saturday morning when the boys were doing the judging (luckily for us all, our friend Danny took him to do something else Friday night--he would have sent me over the edge by 10:00!). He was so much fun to watch. He couldn't imagine the scenes inside that building and he was just excited about it all! It really was a fun bonding experience for the four of us! So, if you ever get the chance to go check it out, you really can't imagine what it is like until you are standing at the foot of a 30 foot spruce trees looking at unbelievable water magic!