Saturday, December 26, 2009
Most Unusual Christmas. . .Ever!
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Merry Christmas
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Christmas Letter
Greetings and happy holidays from our house to yours. We hope this Christmas wish finds everyone healthy and happy, and as always, we look forward to reading all of your family updates in your letters. Here’s our scoop.
Grant—in the 6th grade. Loves junior high. Couldn’t wait for basketball season to start so he could be involved in sports, now that he has decided he sucks, can’t wait for the season to end and relieve him from his misery. Loves playing the drums
Devin—in the 1st grade. Learning to read. Missing teeth and resembles a jack-o-lantern, albeit a cute one. Very sweet spirited kid, usually. Loves his sister. Got to join 4-H this year, which was a BIG deal. Learning how to cook and feeling very grown-up. Loves to sing—in front of people even—did his first solo in church last fall, and loved every minute of it (much to the delight of his mom). Shot his first rabbit—got to eat it too. Seems that was his last rabbit as well. Can be seen walking through the yard with his bow and arrow or his BB gun waiting for something to look at him wrong. Attends after school kids club at church on Wednesday’s, which he enjoys. Not even close to being taller than Granny Jill (yet). No major accidents or injuries in over a year (last year had a bike wreck provoking a hernia surgery and then a broken finger requiring surgery to set). Growing too fast.
Camille—just celebrated 2nd birthday. Totally girl. Can scream in a tone capable of breaking double paned windows. Recently potty trained. Loves to read books, especially “Llama, Llama series AKA Yama, Yama) Also likes lining people out, her daycare provider is convinced that she will be a teacher. Likes gum and knows which people in church are willing to feed it to her. May be a miracle if she doesn’t have to have a gum ball surgically removed from her intestines. Eats periodically, likes popcorn. Figured out Dora the Explorer ROCKS. Loves her dad, especially loves her mom, intermittently likes her brothers, though not always on the same day. Loves music and dancing and men—which is VERY concerning to her parents. Brings us incredible delight regularly.
Jeremy—Old enough to know better. Not mellowing with age. Hair is lacking on his head, but he works out regularly and keeps a cute figure! Still the best mechanic in the surrounding areas. Loves CSI, House and any kind of football game (except for junior high FB). Enjoys archery and gun shooting. Took a conceal and carry fire arms class last year and has a cute little pistol that looks like a child’s toy. Finally finished rebuilding and restoring an old 1930 model A coupe—pleased with the speed too. Picks his guitar on a cold winter’s night—still refuses to accompany his wife in a church special. Can and will cook and clean more than most men we know. Attends a men’s Sunday school class and enjoys that socialization. Still finds himself in the middle of multiple home improvement projects. Celebrated 15 years of marriage with his incredible YOUNG bride that bore his 4 children.
Melanie—Older and better. Hairs turning gray at the speed of light—has become good friends with the hairdresser and feels good about sending her children to medical school. Finally resigned from her full time job. January 2010 will find her no longer answering the phone at 3 a.m., working holidays or weekends, or turning supper and baby over to a 13 year old in a rush. Gets to continue to keep her feet “wet” by working same clinic 1 ½ days a week and continues to do family planning clinic in Oklahoma 1 day per week. Continues full time volunteer responsibilities of 4-H leader, cooking leader, organizing and leading worship music for both kids groups, helping with worship music at church. Loves her yard and the multiple wildlife opportunities it holds (except for that 40 point buck chewing the bark off her new trees) Persuaded dear hubby to build a greenhouse for her which has real tomatoes on the vine as we speak. Started a blog to highlight the routine happenings at this wild and wonderful place we call home—Titled No Place Like Home—found at Regularly posts photos of kids, projects, and home with all the wonderfully funny stories associated with raising 4 children!! Drop in any time.
Hoping that you and your families will enjoy a healthy, happy, and blessed Christmas season and New Year—remember-- the reason for the season was born and died for each and every one of us to save us from our sins so that we will enjoy everlasting life in HIS kingdom!! Now that is a reason to rejoice and be glad in it!!
Blessings to all—Jeremy, Melanie, Tristan, Grant, Devin, and Camille
Monday, December 14, 2009
Check. . . Check. . .Check
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
The Cookie Exchange That Never Happened
G decided to do one of our Christmas favorites passed to us from my mom. They are a thumbprint cookies that uses icing in the thumbprint and a peanut M & M. Yum!! they are a little bite-sized cookie and probably his dad's favorite. I helped him make the little dough balls (after he got the dough mixed up)
By now, it was getting to be supper time and the big boys had to get to town to play in the pep band for the ball game. Jeremy has been SUPER swamped in his shop this past week (like 4 vehicles were unexpectedly towed in to be fixed in one day--and he was already booked out a week!) He went back to the shop right after supper, which left me and the two little ones to get D's goodies made. We had more fun!! He was actually fixing peanut clusters (simple enough for a first year cook). I thought that name sounded boring so in my head I was trying to come up with a flashy little name for them when I got the idea to drizzle them with white chocolate to fancy them up a bit. We collectively came up with the name D's Decadent Double Chocolate Drops--much better than Peeeanuut Clusssters. . . don't you think?? We were impressed by it. He punched numbers into the microwave, and he stirred, and he punched more numbers, and he stirred some more, and we gave Cami this to keep her quiet
So with all the cookies ready all we had to do was wait for Sunday to show up and the party to arrive. Unfortunately, the weather arrived before the party guests! With the threat of icing rain, and numerous critical accidents in the surrounding counties, I sadly called everyone to cancel our cookie exchange an hour and a half before the scheduled time. While discussing what we should do with all these cookies, my friend Becky and I decided to have everyone drop off their cookies at her house in town so we could "exchange" them while everyone was at work and then they could pick them up later in the afternoon. Perfect!! It just worked out great--and we have been enjoying everyone's hard work and efforts!
And I was so glad that this mess beyond all messes. . .
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Terrible (I mean TERRIFIC) TWO
She also got a nice new tricycle. She was pretty pleased with that too, though not as pleased as her 7 year old brother, whom we can't keep away from it--neglected child, he never really had a trike--he learned to ride a 2 wheeled bike when he was 3 (without training wheels. . . NO KIDDING!) The trike will go to the garage to wait on nice sunny days and spring! I will really have to watch her or she'll be GONE!
She got lots of other fun things. . .like a princess story book that plays toddler songs, a new purple purse with lots of bling, glasses, and a cell phone that is nicer than mine--you'll see her all "decked out" in a picture below--thanks Aunt Kristi--and even a tea set--Tris is awaiting the tea party, which we didn't have time to do today--how old is HE?? Anyway, she just ran from present to present trying everything out, looking and playing. What a fun sight!
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Thanksgiving Day
The cousins had a blast playing. Grandma had a new pop-up book that they were pretty interested in. The thing about Grandma working in a library--she has no lack of very COOL books to read at her house--the kids all enjoy that. Papa also gave rides on the ranger. We piled the little girls in and covered them up--just like an amusement park here!! My big boys especially enjoy getting to drive the ranger, and Tris is getting be a help, as I understand, he is periodically allowed to take it by himself and help pick up the guys and run errands for them!